March 5th Principals' Meeting
February 5th Principals' Meeting
The focus of the February 5th meeting was Preparing Teachers for Success with Danielson's Rubric and the Common Core through clear articulated expectations and supports in Lesson Planning. Below are some of the resources distributed during the meeting in hard copy:
- Legal Guidance on Lesson Plans: We created a brief document titled "Lesson Plans Dos and Do Nots" and asked the Legal Department to approve it.
- School-Wide Pre-Observations: One of the suggestions on the "Lesson Plans Dos and Do Nots" document was for the principal to distribute to the staff in September and February (when they are making staff sign for various Chancellors Regulations) a Pre-observation Document explaining what needs to be in a lesson plan and what is expected in terms of instruction, class management, and professional conduct. Below are several SAMPLES (not necessarily exemplars) of School-wide Pre-observation Conference Documents.
School-wide Pre-observation Sample 1
School-wide Pre-observation Sample 2
School-wide Pre-observation Sample 3
School-wide Pre-observation Sample 4
School-wide Pre-observation Sample 2
School-wide Pre-observation Sample 3
School-wide Pre-observation Sample 4
- Lesson Plan Templates: Below are several of the sample, not necessarily exemplar, lesson plan templates we shared at the meeting.
Lesson Plan Template Sample 1
Lesson Plan Template Sample 2
Lesson Plan Template Sample 3
Lesson Plan Template Sample 4
Lesson Plan Template Sample 5
Lesson Plan Template Sample 6
Lesson Plan Template Sample 7
Lesson Plan Template Sample 8
Lesson Plan Template Sample 2
Lesson Plan Template Sample 3
Lesson Plan Template Sample 4
Lesson Plan Template Sample 5
Lesson Plan Template Sample 6
Lesson Plan Template Sample 7
Lesson Plan Template Sample 8
- Global Video on City States: We collected evidence and rated the lesson plan for a Social Studies lesson, then watched the video, rated it and normed to the master ratings. The video was one that was given to principals on a DVD
January 9th Principals' Meeting
Our first meeting of 2013 was devoted to a closer look at the Danielson Rubric and putting our learning into action by rating and norming a video of classroom practice. Everyone who attended received a DVD/CD of two videos of classroom lessons and digital resources. If you were absent, contact your Achievement/Instructional Coach to obtain one. Below are some of the additional resources that were distributed in hard copy:
- Danielson Rubric: The NYC DOE in collaboration with the UFT chose 7 of Danielson's 22 competencies to focus on for the 2012-2013 school year. Consider introducing to your staff the long version that includes a description of the purpose of the competency. Later, you may want to save paper and use/copy a version without the description pages. Danielson Rubric (Long Version) Danielson Rubric (Short Version)
- Problems with the DVD/CD? If you are experiencing issues playing any of these multimedia types, you should consider downloading VLC Player at: VLC Player is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols.
- Four Activities for Introuducing the Danielson Rubric to Teachers: Lisa designed four activities that take novices through a general understanding of how Danielson's Rubric is set up to specific learning about the language of individual competencies. Each activity can be done within 45 minutes, but also expanded and/or compbined for longer blocks of time.
- Ludwig Logarithm Math Video: During our session we took Low-Inferance Notes on a Note Taking Form. Based on our notes we rated, normed, and discussed feedback we would give Ms. Ludwig. To do this we used HEDI Cards (see below for how to make your own) and Rating Data Collection Cards. Based on the DOE created Ludwig Lesson Plan, CFN 107 Coaches used Danielson's Rubric on 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction to rate and create Sample Feedback on Ms. Ludwig's Lesson Plan. The sample feedback refers to two attachments: The first one was a chapter, "One Size Doesn't Fit All," from Gregory and Cahpman's Differentiated Instructional Strategies. The second one was a Tiered Worksheet on Logarithms. Although we only discussed the DOE master ratings for the Ludwig video on the competencies mentioned in the City-wide Instructional Expectations (1e, 3b, 3d), ratings for all six are availble by clicking on Ludwig DOE Master Ratings.
- HEDI Cards: To make your own cards with the NYS Teacher Evaluation Ratings (Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, and Ineffective), you will need either Business Card Templates that you can run through your printer or Avery Shipping Labels (5163 or equivalent) and index cards. Because each page makes 10 cards, but each HEDI deck only contains 4 cards, there are two pages you should download, the first page has 2 decks and the beginning half of a 3rd deck and the second page has 2 decks and the last half of a 3rd deck. This was the best way to not waste any labels. HEDI Cards Page 1 HEDI Cards Page 2
December 4th Principals' Meeting

We had a great last Principals' Meeting of 2012! We covered many subjects, such as sharing our school-created Common Core aligned tasks, the College/High School Preparatory Course Certification process, some ways of tracking teacher evaluations and ratings, and a lecture by Santi Taveras. Please visit the links below to access our resources.
- Click here for CFN 107's Common Core aligned tasks.
- Download the notes from our opening Common Core activity.
- The deadlines for certifying high school or college preparatory courses is December 14th. Please visit the NYC DOE's Progress Report website (scroll down) for more information on this process, or contact or .
- Lisa provided us with some materials to help keep track of teacher ratings and observations. You can download her sample observation spreadsheet or her unofficial observation spreadsheet addressing the NYC DOE seven Danielson competencies.
- Santi shared with us some Cambridge materials and an article.