Network Initiatives

CFN 107 operates differently from most networks. Each school is partnered with at least three instructional team members (liaison team) who work closely with the school on three collaboratively developed goals. The entire instructional team and operational team are available to assist all our schools. This way, we ensure personalized support, tailored to our schools' needs, as well as the broader support expected of a Children First Network. CFN 107 is at the forefront of the Department of Education's numerous new initiatives.
Teacher PODS
PODS (Professional Ongoing Development Structures) are groups of self-selected schools whose principals and teachers work together to achieve the 2011-2012 instructional goals:
Mentor School Program
We are also pleased have two schools participate in the to Mentor School Program. The Mentor School Program helps current outstanding school principals identify and develop the next generation of school principals. This stems from the belief that the best future principals are likely to come from high-performing schools led by our best current principals. The Mentor School model operates under the assumption that staff in these mentor schools will receive the support necessary to develop into strong leaders, and that they are more likely to model the kind of strong leadership found in their current schools. Approved new school leaders are given a year of paid preparation time. In the fall, the new leader has a full time residency in their home school to develop their leadership skills under their mentor principal. In the spring, approved new leaders participate in the New School Institute and prepare to open their new schools. We are extremely proud to have Carla Theodorou, principal of Metropolitan High School and Michael Lanaghan, the principal of Metropolitan Soundview, participating in this prestigious Mentor School Program.
Performance-Based Assessment Pilot
Principal Nick Politis and his staff are participating in an assessment pilot that will help other schools transition to Common Core Standards. By participating, teachers from the High School for Law and Public Service have the exciting opportunity to work with Professional Development experts, collaborate with colleagues across New York City schools, and receive rich resources and ongoing support to best prepare students for these higher standards and their accompanying assessments. The HS for Law and Public Service's teachers have expanded their capacity to deepen curriculum and instruction in order to help students develop the type of higher order thinking skills they will need to meet the new standards.
Instructional Rounds Study Group
CFN 107 has hosted Instructional Rounds study groups and inter-visitations. From January to June 2010, instructional coaches from CFN 107 conducted four parallel "Instructional Rounds in Education" (Elmore, et al., 2009) book clubs. These sessions were after school and attended by teachers, assistant principals and principals from 13 different schools in our Network. Each of our participating schools developed Problems of Practice, Theories of Action, and designed a plan to conduct the actual Rounds inter-visitations in the 2010-2011 school year. Schools are also conducting observations and inquiry work around their Theories of Action. Please visit our Instructional Rounds page for more information.
iZone360 and iLearnNYC
CFN 107 is proud to be a part of the Department of Education's Innovation Zone initiatives. Please visit our iZone360 and iLearnNYC page for more details.
Technology Study Group
Cristina Melendez is pleased to launch her Technology Study Group. Fifteen teachers were given iPads as well as access to other technology (like iTouch, laptops, Flip cameras, digital cameras, etc) to use in their classrooms. Selected teachers first researched the use of technology in the classroom, then created and implemented lesson plans that incorporate technology and are compiling a resouce guide on how to use technology in the classrooms for other teachers to use.
Phase 1 Special Education Reform Initiative
CFN 107 is proud to have been selected as a Phase 1 Special Education Reform network. This designation has allowed us to work with our schools to ensure that all special education students are placed in the least restrictive environment, and our schools have the power to tailor special education students' programs to center around the individual needs of each student. Our schools, in collaboration with parents and through the IEP process, are able to refine students' instructional programs by taking a fresh look at the strengths and needs of students with disabilities. Please see our Phase 1 page for more information.
Teacher PODS
PODS (Professional Ongoing Development Structures) are groups of self-selected schools whose principals and teachers work together to achieve the 2011-2012 instructional goals:
- supporting struggling students using Response-to-Intervention (RTI) practices and Phase 1 special educational reform guidelines
- developing Common Core State Standards units/tasks/assessments in line with Shael Suransky’s “Citywide Instructional Expectations”
- developing teachers using a research-based framework
Mentor School Program
We are also pleased have two schools participate in the to Mentor School Program. The Mentor School Program helps current outstanding school principals identify and develop the next generation of school principals. This stems from the belief that the best future principals are likely to come from high-performing schools led by our best current principals. The Mentor School model operates under the assumption that staff in these mentor schools will receive the support necessary to develop into strong leaders, and that they are more likely to model the kind of strong leadership found in their current schools. Approved new school leaders are given a year of paid preparation time. In the fall, the new leader has a full time residency in their home school to develop their leadership skills under their mentor principal. In the spring, approved new leaders participate in the New School Institute and prepare to open their new schools. We are extremely proud to have Carla Theodorou, principal of Metropolitan High School and Michael Lanaghan, the principal of Metropolitan Soundview, participating in this prestigious Mentor School Program.
Performance-Based Assessment Pilot
Principal Nick Politis and his staff are participating in an assessment pilot that will help other schools transition to Common Core Standards. By participating, teachers from the High School for Law and Public Service have the exciting opportunity to work with Professional Development experts, collaborate with colleagues across New York City schools, and receive rich resources and ongoing support to best prepare students for these higher standards and their accompanying assessments. The HS for Law and Public Service's teachers have expanded their capacity to deepen curriculum and instruction in order to help students develop the type of higher order thinking skills they will need to meet the new standards.
Instructional Rounds Study Group
CFN 107 has hosted Instructional Rounds study groups and inter-visitations. From January to June 2010, instructional coaches from CFN 107 conducted four parallel "Instructional Rounds in Education" (Elmore, et al., 2009) book clubs. These sessions were after school and attended by teachers, assistant principals and principals from 13 different schools in our Network. Each of our participating schools developed Problems of Practice, Theories of Action, and designed a plan to conduct the actual Rounds inter-visitations in the 2010-2011 school year. Schools are also conducting observations and inquiry work around their Theories of Action. Please visit our Instructional Rounds page for more information.
iZone360 and iLearnNYC
CFN 107 is proud to be a part of the Department of Education's Innovation Zone initiatives. Please visit our iZone360 and iLearnNYC page for more details.
Technology Study Group
Cristina Melendez is pleased to launch her Technology Study Group. Fifteen teachers were given iPads as well as access to other technology (like iTouch, laptops, Flip cameras, digital cameras, etc) to use in their classrooms. Selected teachers first researched the use of technology in the classroom, then created and implemented lesson plans that incorporate technology and are compiling a resouce guide on how to use technology in the classrooms for other teachers to use.
Phase 1 Special Education Reform Initiative
CFN 107 is proud to have been selected as a Phase 1 Special Education Reform network. This designation has allowed us to work with our schools to ensure that all special education students are placed in the least restrictive environment, and our schools have the power to tailor special education students' programs to center around the individual needs of each student. Our schools, in collaboration with parents and through the IEP process, are able to refine students' instructional programs by taking a fresh look at the strengths and needs of students with disabilities. Please see our Phase 1 page for more information.