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Phase 1 Information and Resources

CFN 107 is a Phase I network focusing on the advancement of student learning and achievement. We are one of 10 networks city-wide (out of a total of 60 networks) that are participating in the Special Education reform that focuses on educating students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.
The following are the principles that guide our work:
1. Every school should educate and embrace the overwhelming majority of students with disabilities.
2. Hold all schools and students with disabilities accountable for goals that are standards-based. IEPs should reflect Common Core State Standards and emphasize long-term educational outcomes.
3. All schools should have the curricular, instructional, and scheduling flexibility needed to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities with accountability outcomes.
4. Schools must be active partners with parents of students with disabilities.
Please take a look at the following resources that support creating programs for students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.
Phase I FAQs
Unified Service Delivery System
New NYS IEP Form
What to look for in determining a flexible program
Inventory Templates for Students with IEPs and School Staff Utilization
The following are the principles that guide our work:
1. Every school should educate and embrace the overwhelming majority of students with disabilities.
2. Hold all schools and students with disabilities accountable for goals that are standards-based. IEPs should reflect Common Core State Standards and emphasize long-term educational outcomes.
3. All schools should have the curricular, instructional, and scheduling flexibility needed to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities with accountability outcomes.
4. Schools must be active partners with parents of students with disabilities.
Please take a look at the following resources that support creating programs for students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.
Phase I FAQs
Unified Service Delivery System
New NYS IEP Form
What to look for in determining a flexible program
Inventory Templates for Students with IEPs and School Staff Utilization